DESCRIPTION: If you apply a Substance to your character in CC2, and export the character (as an iAvatar or directly to iClone 7), it will always "flatten" the Substance into a set of simple texture maps. When you open the character in iClone, you no longer have the ability to modify the substance...More
Unlike iClone, CC allows no way to increase the font size and running on a laptop with HD resolution the text and menus are WAY too small to even see, even if the laptop has resolution increased for other things (which apparently has zero effect on any RL products). Even iClone needs bigger...More
The eyes of CC characters have greatly improved, especially when using PBR, but currently the Eye and Cornea materials for left and right eyes are shared. It would be useful to be able to use distinct materials for each eye, for example, in case someone has eyes with different colors or if...More
Character Creator is promoted to be the perfect tool for Game Engines like Unity. But 50.000 triangles or more for just one character is way to much for most games. Certainly for mobile applications. Please create some templates for lowpoly singlemesh characters. With options to use lowpoly...More
BUG: Whenever I load an old custom hair/beard/clothing/shoe item where the location of an image or video file has changed (for any reason, like maybe a duplicate back-up drive is now in use, or maybe I've cleaned up and re-organised my custom libraries), I get a warning that the texture files...More
All the characters currently use approximately 60k polys. When it comes to games, an LOD system needs the same character but with different polys. Right now there is no option to generate this in CC 1.5 and CC 2.0. An option to set character poly count to low/medium/high/very high would be...More
I don't know if this has been discussed, but the inability to have mesh on the face conform to viseme morphs is a real drag. It even affects the Reallusion supplied hair when the forehead is furrowed. It is especially bad when you are using more extreme morphs. Facial hair like eyebrows, beards...More
Load one of the Default PBR characters. With an item selected in the Appearance tab load the Appearance Editor. The material appearance is not consistent between the default state and when "Clear" or "Keep" are selected in the "Override" window. Attached are screen shots showing the Jeans...More