During installation I have specified a folder where I want my content to be located, which is "D:\Reallusion7". All is OK, except for the Roots of the Tree in each content category. For instance "Project Template" and "Project Custom" Both point to my profile instead. When I click on them and...More
Unlike iClone, CC allows no way to increase the font size and running on a laptop with HD resolution the text and menus are WAY too small to even see, even if the laptop has resolution increased for other things (which apparently has zero effect on any RL products). Even iClone needs bigger...More
If you do some adjustments to any material channel textures through the new 'Adjust Color' panel (which is very practical btw) and save your project, then the modification are 'baked' into the texture (or it appears to be so). When you load back a project/character, all the color adjustments...More
I still want to suggest two important changes to Character Creator 3. The first suggestion would be to partner with the hair-generating plugins (yeti, ornatrix, xgen ...) to launch a plugin for CC. So we could model professional hair in the CC, because the hair created in Maya with these plugins...More
I don't know if this has been discussed, but the inability to have mesh on the face conform to viseme morphs is a real drag. It even affects the Reallusion supplied hair when the forehead is furrowed. It is especially bad when you are using more extreme morphs. Facial hair like eyebrows, beards...More
Automated system for creating human characters with machine enhancements - i.e. cyborg. Then a completely new setup which allows for fully robotic characters to be created (bipeds/tracks/guns/etc) The cyborg system could also be used to create a zombie variation upon the standard characters...More
The opacity texture of my dress was a png texture. I have changed the brightness of the opacity texture with the slider and the opacity hasn't changed. (image 1,2) But if I invert the texture, the dress is fully transparent. (image 3)...More
Currently 3DXchange can map extend bones, but CC strips out any extra bones that are added to the skeleton. Or rather it sees them as a "non mesh entity" and throws a critical error. The error is only for the extra bones. The rest imports fine. Would it be possible for CC to recognize non...More