1. I use a non standard Character imported from Unreal 4 2. Character is Characterised and saved in CC4, - poses work fine in CC4. 3. Adjusting footcontrol in CC4 to perfection and export it to Iclone 8...More
This bug is back : https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/TimeLine-Impossible-to-add-keys-they-shift-to-the-left On some frames, iclone adds 2 keys on the same frame instead of modifying the existing keys. Modify frame 2647 or 2656, iClone move the key, but on frame 2652 iClone...More
Clicked on character in timeline. Clicked the down arrow for more character features. I see the gestures and body but no viseme track. The track has been recorded and is present but I cannot edit the track...More
I really like the poser mixer under the Edit motion Layer. I like the feature to be able to isolate the part for the body you want when dragging in a new pose. However it would be awesome to do the same with animation clip that you woould drag in as well....More
iClone8 policies and lack of support suck so bad. Many of the speech (lip sync) and other plug-ins we hoped to use for developing animations are not available with iClone8. Given that I bought iClone7 and upgraded per all the PR coming out of Reallusion, once we discovered that iClone8 works...More
Hello, Since the iClone 8.1 update I can't import properly my animations from Glycon (look at the attached file) The only solution for the moment is to import with 3dxchange to iClone 7, save the animation and export to iClone 8....More
We'd like to be able to record video for reference on a separate track just like we can now record audio. Here is a working example on a different application: https://support.rokoko.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410423223953-Video-Reference...More