I noticed the banding/low quality look from some of the backdrops, especially the default graphic added to a new project found in the Project window. Using Gaussian Blur, even after 8 times wont correct banding, instead it will just spread it out. Try using Dither instead on stills and video...More
when you scroll in a modify tab (or ANY tab) to find a certain parameter its very easy to accidently change values in the select boxes ... You expect the software to scroll the CONTENT of the tab, but it changes the VALUE!! It took me a while to realize this strange behaviour .... and i was...More
Hi there, I created a baby character in the latest build of Character Creator 4 and am having major issues with him tilting his head up and down (as if he was looking toward the ground). His neck begins to protrude in a glitchy unnatural way....More
-open any project with facial animation in IClone (I'm on 8.02.0718.1) -Export FBX (Unity 3d) with Mouth Open as Morph checked -Upon import in Unity, only the Jaw animation can be seen, all other facial blendshape animation has not been exported/imported...More
In 3dxchange and iclone 7 the normals imported correctly when you export an fbx with modified normals from blender in iclone 8 and cc4 the normals turn back to the default state when you import the fbx with the modified normals see the images attached...More
Example: 1. Add a CC character in iClone 8. 2. Drop the FBX mocap file (Klappa_boll_hik.fbx) on the character. (The FBX is exported from Rokoko studio using Human IK preset)....More
It goes for both CC and IC. Not sure if it is a bug or it was done intentionally. If intentional, I wonder why it was done? Yes, Hair do not perform well when Soft vs Soft is enabled. But that is NOT the reason to disable it completely, when the hair is at the scene!...More
I linked a prop on a character's hand but when you unlink it, the prop changes slightly its position and that doesnt look good. It looks like a "jump" When you unlink it it should stay at the same position....More
Mesh Emitter does not work. I just tried this tool and cannot see emitted meshes. To repeat the problem add Mesh Emitter and start simulation. Nothing happens. Also, meshes are not emitted when testing any particle applications with Mesh Emmitter: falling blossoms, jackpot coins, meteor and...More
Let me start by saying that Morphs handling by Morphs Creator in IC8 has been improved. For the most part importing OBJ files has been stabilized in many aspects. There are however some critical issues which need to be addressed in both IC8 and CC4....More