I had several imported mocap animations across different project files that have now gone missing. I'm using the same computer and Harddrives but all the custom animations have gone except for one. This also includes the imported Metahuman Dummies I was working with. Strangely though, the animation...More
This appears to be a regression since 8.4. Upon selection a range on the Timeline using the "Collect Clip" row and exporting to Motion Plus, the "Motion-Plus Options" dialogue opens, with various checkboxes for controlling the output. Under 8.4, if I exported multiple times in a row, this dialogue...More
When holding down Ctrl and scrolling up/down with the mouse wheel, the timeline will scroll left and right. But the current amount is scrolls is extremely high. It seems to scroll an entire window's width with every tiny increment of the mouse wheel. This makes it difficult to precisely center...More
When exporting an animation, the head rotation on the expression clip of a character is still off when importing that animation into Unity. Updated to v8.5 (8.5.3330.1), released on Oct. 4th, 2024, and the issue is still present. I saw the patch note: "When the character has Face Key Head Rotate...More
1. Using Motion Director. 2. Load Character CC4 Kevin.ccAvatar. 3. Load this hair to Avatar. (Prime Hairstyles - Center part curtains.rlHair OR Ear length Bob.rlHair)....More
Dear Iclone team, Currently, I am using iclone 8.5, I face some issue while exporting custom mesh to blender, in iclone 8.5 I link mesh to avatar it work proparly, once I export into blender it not linked it , please find attached image 1 and 2...More
As a content developer, user, and buyer, I must say the "Default things" filter needs to be added. Let me explain why :) If we don't know which items are custom, there is a high possibility that we might unknowingly and unintentionally use another user's work in our own. For example, if we...More
We are currently using the auto setup and live link plugins for Unreal from iClone. We have made modifications to the Unreal engine. At present, during the compilation process of the Unreal engine, it is necessary to compile the related iClone plugins. However, we are unable to compile some...More
Let's say there is a trigger to hit a falling ball. The name of the trigger is Firing Pin. Every time the Balls falls, the Firing Pin hits the Balls. Initial force 5000 and [Slider] constraint limits are applied to Firing Pin and it starts with [Frozen] Rigid Body....More