iClone 8
Issue 8507
content manager
Please considder to restore the old content manager, or at least give it as a module we can install, like you did in Iclone 7 with the smart gallery.
I work with Iclone for over 9 year and have loads of content, have my own system organizing my content manager, like in the prop, character and animation folders I have it organized like all medieval stuff in one folder, a folder for modern city, modern warfare, horror, etc. all with subfolders ofcourse, but when I work on for exsample a medieval scene I have everything together and can work a lot faster and more comfortable.
I am sure I am not the only one working with the content like that, so please considder to make it as a seperate module.
if thats not possible then an alternative would be if we could sync our content manager to Iclone 7 contentmanager just like we can with the custome content.
NOTE:: adding smart to the name of something doesnt make it necessarly better.

Kind regards
Sabine Mostert
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  377
Submitted bysabinemostert
I feel the same. I've organised all my content to my liking and now this smart galery want's to take over my world. As a creator working on large files, this is not very effective to work with the new smart galery. You should give us a legacy option or something, so that we can stick to our oldschool mindset and work the way we did before.

Best regards