Hi there :) Just a heads up that this page says "Align to Previous Key", but in the picture - and in iClone UI itself when you try it - the feature is called "Align to Previous Motion Layer". FYI the same page in the iClone 7 manual has the same mistake....More
The "Look at" feature of the head in a non standard character doesnt work as expected the head doesnt look at the direction you are pointing to follow...More
I noticed that iclone on Win 11 seems much slower, especially functions like edit motion layer and moving joints around. Will there be any updates getting iclone more Windows 11 friendly?? Iclone is the sole reason I find myself reverting back to Win 10....More
hey, it would be great if support FACEGOOD [aka Avatary] on iClone as Motion Live gear for Facial Animations ... its definitely game changer ......More
Running iClone 8.12 Trial on Windows 10. When I hit the "timeline" button, the timeline window doesn't open. The only way to get the timeline window to open is to go to workspace->animation....More
Hello Reallusion team, I sometimes have to work with Unreal. I've found that it takes a lot of time to render in Unreal to look really good, whereas Iclone requires a lot less manoeuvring to get a high quality render. However, when using Lumen in unreal, at the moment I don't know of any...More
1. Add prop to a new project. eg: (Create Primitive shape - Box). 2. Example. Select and add Aqua.cclightroom LightRoom effect is added but the prop (Box) is deleted from the scene....More