This [referenced video below] is a stock character added to a new, empty project. iClone 8.41. Using the "Edit Motion Layer" panel, I create a couple of keyframes. The first keyframe has the upper arm rotated upwards and the hand rotated upwards. The second keyframe rotates the hand downwards...More
Suggested feature: please allow the option within Prop Puppet to allow the blending of animation so we can layer prop puppet animation on top of each without overwriting the previous prop animation (similar to how face puppet works)...More
When i use a VFX plugin in my project i can't turn off effect on timeline. It is works only inside modify panel window with on/off buttons. This slows down the workflow if I want to do mass on and off on the timeline. Copy paste does not works in timeline when i need more on/off automation...More
Hi guys, just wondering if you can add video/frame sync between AccuFace and iC8 playbar in a Scrub audio type function and jump to frame in the AccuFace Window<---this especially. That way we could quickly jump to points that might not be as accurate to almost do facial rotoscoping. In the...More
*Reallusion Tech responded about Vertex assignment and soft cloth that there is currently a technical problem working together with cloth vs cloth but.. I believe it's your cloth tracking with vertex assignment having a conflict with Clothing assigned with soft cloth and using cloth in general...More
I get an error when I try to send data to unreal engine. I had accidently erased the camera blueprints. I tried to add them again and I didn't have any luck. I tried to create a new project and tried....More
Intermittently on opening iClone the Main menu items in "File" and "Create" are in a different order than normal. Eg: For File Menu.... Normal Different item order...More
1. There is no ability to align camera to object (all objects can, why cameras not) 2. Tranform section is very hardly editable - no context menus on values that makes difficult to copy values for aligning (only control-c works). May be better to get copy button for all values....More