iClone 8
Issue 11411
Failure to address the fault, closing out a bug report without actually dealing with it
I reported an issue with the curve editor "see ISSUE 11340"
Your representative replied with a suggestion for an IK in the motion layer panel, which had nothing to do with the curve editor problem
When I responded pointing this out, She doubled down responding with the same IK motion layer panel solution then closed the Issue, without ever addressing let a lone solving the problem.
You have someone who either doesn't read the bug reports properly, or just chooses to be wilfully ignorant.
Whats the point in having a feedback system if your operators ignore the issue and or close the bug report a out because they dont want to deal with it
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  103
Submitted byblindman
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hello blindman,

Regarding the previous issue report (ID 11340), we consulted with the developers and found the following:
- When editing character motions, both IK and FK data sets are involved.
- In the "Edit Motion Layer" panel, you can determine whether a body part is in IK or FK mode based on the control point's display status. If it is highlighted in light blue, the part is currently in IK mode.
- You can switch modes by right-clicking on the control point of the body part and selecting Set IK/FK Key.
- In the Curve Editor's "IK Effectors" section, you can only edit keys for body parts in IK mode.
- The reason IK keys cannot be edited in FK mode is that the changes would not reflect on the character in the viewport. If editing were allowed, users might notice that adjusting the motion has no effect, and upon switching to IK mode, the character's motion could undergo unpredictable changes.

Therefore, if you wish to edit keys in the "IK Effectors" section, please first ensure that the part you want to adjust is switched to IK mode in the Edit Motion Layer panel.

Best regards, thank you.