There are two problems 1. missing baked physics track on the timeline -the option to show or hide it doesn't seem to exist. 2. we can no longer right click on the character to remove the vertex/baked physics animation in the viewport,...More
I am currently following the issue same as here. However, I have also encountered with scale mismatches between iClone and Omniverse. The world scale appears to be 100:1. I wonder if there is any...More
iClone needs the ability to move IK Effectors in all axis without being constrained to just 2 axis at a time. I believe that would make it easier to perform posing/animating a character in iClone....More
This seems like it could be an easy fix for clothing compatibility - the vertex shader(spring joint) code that tells the vertices' of clothing to follow the skin should also be used with soft cloth....More
Quadrupeds, octopeds etc will greatly benefit! Example duck walks & other moves, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, bears (would help create more moves for my polar bear and other animals quicker)...More
Hey, I animated a scene in iClone and I seem to have an issue when exporting to blender. I have a full scene, with blink and look at other characters. When I import it to blender, the look at feature seems to not work and my characters are not blinking or eyes tracking the object. Any suggestions...More
1 Create any AI mocap animation from WD and download the mocap fbx to your PC 2 In iClone use any CC4 actor to start ( I used Kevin, Mannequin Male, Motion Dummy, etc.) with the same result. 3 Locate the AI WD mocap file on your selected download folder and drag and drop it over the CC4 Actor...More
I am trying to make a loop of an animation, where they do one thing and then try to reverse the animation, so it starts in the same place. And if you try to merge these animations together, rather than merging the original animation plus the reverse animation, the system merges the original...More
I am trying to make it so my character collides with an object, like lying in a bed. But no matter what I do, turn on collide of the object, set the colliders of the character, their bodies go right through the bed. What is the trick to make the character not go through the bed. Why is it...More