I do a lot of work offline I went online and installed the accupose plugin, but the moment I go offline or log out of my account in iclone, the Iclone watermark appears on screen, obscuring the character This is another example of an ongoing issue which I have raised previously, dispite assurances...More
Not a veteran user here, bear with me. The Copy State / Paste State functionality of AccuPose, allows to reuse poses generated in the timeline. However, I don't find a way to recognize previous poses in the timeline, at first glance. It would be really nice to have the capability of marking...More
Hello, i was very sad to experience that Accupose does not work on Windows 7. On install attempt the Hub says "Windows 10/11 only". I wonder why a plugin for a Software that runs on WIn7 has only been developed for Win10/11. For me as a programmer there is no imagible reason why this not should...More
The accupose manual is somehow screwed up, it partly has "Headshot 2" pages and links https://manual.reallusion.com/AccuPOSE/ENU/1.0/02-System-Requirements/System-Requirements.html...More
Quadrupeds, octopeds etc will greatly benefit! Example duck walks & other moves, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, bears (would help create more moves for my polar bear and other animals quicker)...More
i tried to use AccuPOSE (1.0.1126.1) after installing that on iClone (8.52.3526.1) but all of their menus are missing and does not working … even "About AccuPose" Menu!!...More