There are two problems 1. missing baked physics track on the timeline -the option to show or hide it doesn't seem to exist. 2. we can no longer right click on the character to remove the vertex/baked physics animation in the viewport,...More
I provided a technique that could prevent cracks in both cloth physics and displacement here: Perhaps the last ideal solution to this would be that Displacement maps have the option...More
The collision shapes need to be fixed as to where the self mesh option works with soft cloth. The basic shapes are either too big or too small causing the mesh to break through or bulge....More
This seems like it could be an easy fix for clothing compatibility - the vertex shader(spring joint) code that tells the vertices' of clothing to follow the skin should also be used with soft cloth....More
Quadrupeds, octopeds etc will greatly benefit! Example duck walks & other moves, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, bears (would help create more moves for my polar bear and other animals quicker)...More
Let's say there is a trigger to hit a falling ball. The name of the trigger is Firing Pin. Every time the Balls falls, the Firing Pin hits the Balls. Initial force 5000 and [Slider] constraint limits are applied to Firing Pin and it starts with [Frozen] Rigid Body....More
*Reallusion Tech responded about Vertex assignment and soft cloth that there is currently a technical problem working together with cloth vs cloth but.. I believe it's your cloth tracking with vertex assignment having a conflict with Clothing assigned with soft cloth and using cloth in general...More
You may have heard Unity Acquired Ziva for an undisclosed amount some time after financial backing of ***7 MILLION DOLLARS*** in seed funding Bringing a more simplified and available solution to Reallusion and users, I feel rich and somewhat robbed (just...More
*If imported to iClone, realtime occlusion and frustum culling tool would/should need to be applied but could be limited to scene/chunk size in the beginning. Rendering is too heavy on iClone resources if users are forced to see a vast landscape in the viewport at the same time unless you...More