If the name of the file ends with "__DazRoughness" it's supposed to be converted to a roughness channel using the DazIni settings. However, any file with that name throws an error. Worse, a file with "__Specular" is supposed to be loaded into the roughness channel, but reversed. It is just...More
because of great plugins like as Perception Neuron Plugin, Faceware Plugin, Curve Editor Plugin ... existing the great timeline, morpth creator, facial expressions and related and several tools inside iClone to creating simple and effective animations, its great software for character animation...More
How do I keep adding cameras so that I could get the final output in shots? What happened to me is like I went on adding a camera->selected my first frame and the last frame of my shot..its done with perfection. But when I want my 2nd camera to start newly it messes up with the first camera...More
Hey RL, actuall Substance settings are so massive that it takes hours to walk trough all settings and if you have tweaked them another hour to find the sets settings in the down leveveld settings....So our idea....why not implement such asystem like Daz Studio has? Display all setting......More
Hello RL, as much as it happens with the "Align To" function, it would be quite convenient (especially for very complex scenes with multiple inter-crossing paths and assets) to be able to choose the path that an asset shall follow by selecting it within the Scene Manager window. Today it seems...More
When using the Edit Motion Layer to do key frame animation, the locks to hold the hands and feet in a set location fail if the root bone is moved. The hands and feet move in arcs between the keys, returning to the proper location only at the keys. So in between keys, they move instead of remaining...More
I can't enter the ip address using the Motion live plug-in, may I use iclone and motion live They are all trial versions, is it possible that the trial version does not have activation features. The Apple XS phone is connected to the computer through a connection. The phone has an IP address...More
Iray Preview rendering is a lot slower now. In the past when I do 20 frames, it takes 3-4 seconds. now it take 15-30 seconds. Also, can a minimize button be added to the Iray Preview rendering screen?...More
In German iClone 7.41.2525.1 seems to be a problem with Motionlive and LIVEFACE and Leapmotion when trying to add these gears to a character. After clicking on the plugin name after "Add Gear" nothing happens and the Console Log prints AttributeError Message. Tested this on four different machines...More
I have found the following issue with the above the end of the walk normal/wander will not align with the start of the shopping seq and the same at the end of the shopping seq to the start of the walking seq see pics. Regards Chris (videodv)...More