Having issue with the new feature, "Align to Actor Orientation" When I follow the steps outlined in iClone 7 help: http://manual.reallusion.com/iClone_7/ENU/Pro/Default.htm#iClone_7/Pro_7.0/09_Animation_Timeline_Editing/Align_to_Actor_Orientation.htm The actor orientation does not align....More
Morph Creator/Animator is a great tool, which can be used not only to deform the mesh but simply move and/or rotate props. With morphs you would have more control over props as oppose to baked perform actions or key-frame animation simply because 3-rd party apps (where morph are created)...More
THE PURPOSE of this request is to make it easier to manage multi-frame (animation) Iray renders. CURRENTLY the render "Options" which control things like Denoise and Maximum Samples (iterations) are written into each and every .mi file. I SUGGEST the render Options should be written into...More
I say "broken" because if this is a fix, it is a disaster. In Iclone 6 the outline feature was constant (AFAIK) in that a one pixel outline (outline width 1) remained one pixel no matter what the scale of the final render. In 7.3 it appears that the outline is not only thinker, but that it...More
im trying to connect my xbox 360 kinent mocap plugin to iclone 7 but everything i've looked up on this does not work, i have all the programs they all work what im i donig wrong??? in all the manuals it shows me menus i don't have in the program, i need help with this....More
Please give us the option to see the undo/redo history, similar to other programs. This way, we know exactly what function is being undone, and we don't have to guess what steps were affected. Something like this in the screenshot: Also, here is the forum post where I suggested it, and people...More
It seems strange that the user has to fool around with collision meshes. For fast rendering, iClone needs them at render time. But *between* renders there's a whole lot of processor power available that iClone could put to good use designing and keyframing the best layout of collision meshes...More
I have an occasional issue where I add a new camera switch point on the Switcher track. The switch is made, but initially no key frame is inserted (see camera_switcher.png). There is no systematic way in which this occurs.The key frame usually appears when one of the other key frames if moved...More
I have never had a problem with iclone before now. All versions that I have used over the years have worked fine. But today I got an issue that I can not seem to clear. every project I have created and saved will not open. I keep getting an error saying "files missing". I haven't moved or deleted...More