Ive been playing with ur popcorn FX since you guys added it and it still cant do things simple things like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv_5UBzJvEs&t=377s&ab_channel=Iridesium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtKQwN9P0sE&ab_channel=Olav3DTutorials...More
I have a photogammetry high poly rock object in my project. When i try to use smooth mesh on object it is not make anything just stopping on 5%. When i use the windows thumbnail with mouse i see a system window. It is invisible if iclone isn't in background. Smooth mesh soo faster in blender...More
This should be an easy feature to implement, but it would be quite handy to allow users to re organize the order in which their morphs appear by dragging them, or using up and down arrows. It would also be awesome if users were allowed to write in their own values like negative numbers or...More
Please provide an easy means to setup a configurable ocean scene with large waves, including option for surf style breaking waves. I know some clever people have created some ocean scenes using cloth physics, but it's not an easy task and still limited in how you can set the parameters. Would...More
The motion imports correct to 3dxchange and iclone but when i tried to save the clip to the library it doesnt save Also when i add it to the perform library in 3dxchange, in iclone doesnt show up the perform option to apply the clip Also tried to export it from 3dxchange as non standard and...More
Created a character in Character Creator, transfer to Iclone - export to Unreal crashes at 30% point. To recreate - You will need the project file as it appears to be related to a particular character - its too big to upload how do I get this to you? load the project....More
(1)Please prepare effect loader 3rd party's effect(plugin) or user volunteer's effect(plugin) (2) Current i-Clone does not have toon render variety and custom properties....More
I just got an $8k animation suit (Perception Neuron Studio.) I can’t get decent animation with my CC3 skeleton. Everything looks very professional on other softwares and skeletons like UE4, Maya, etc. My CC3 character in iClone 7 have thumb issues being offset and noodley. And the character...More