As I mentioned in the FeedbackTracker Issue #3790 ( ) the problems with 4K monitors still persist even after the "fix" in 7.3 Just to recap: iClone 6.5 to 7.1...More
When using final render option the HDRI glare effects are not rending ( for either to file or video ) -- Rendering from the view port works... Nvidia drivers up to date - this started after updating to the last Iclone 7.3 patch from last week....More
There is an attribute iray_nominal_luminance which directly relates to Firefly Filter. Firefly Filter is enabled by default according to the scene options in .mi export. Here is what NVIDIA says:...More
I say "broken" because if this is a fix, it is a disaster. In Iclone 6 the outline feature was constant (AFAIK) in that a one pixel outline (outline width 1) remained one pixel no matter what the scale of the final render. In 7.3 it appears that the outline is not only thinker, but that it...More
The characters cloth (vest) mesh is broken after moving the model from CC3 to Iclone 7. When trying to edit the character back in CC3 from Iclone. The model look good in CC3. Not sure where the problem is occuring. Attached screenshots....More
To replicate: start a new scene with a character in, shadowcatcher works normally. Then CONTENT > SCENE > ATMOSPHERE > 1.HDRI > double-click any item and the shadowcatcher stops working....More
Hi, in 7.3 I'm no longer able to export an image with a transparent background, there's always some semi-transparent background colour visible. To recreate, simply open iClone and render an image. As you can see in the attached image the background is not fully transparent, instead there is...More
The ToonShader border in previous versions was unaffected by Normal Threshold value, so that you could have very clean surfaces (normalthreshold:100) with properly black thick border. In 7.3 the Normal Threshold now directly changes the border's opacity, making it almost vanishing at increasing...More
To recreate, apply the casual jacket to a character in CC, send the character to iclone and render an image, you can see the results I'm getting in the attached images, as you can see there's a thick line around the clothes, I changed the background colour to red to make the problem more visible...More