Right now resulting DOF in a rendered image is affected by the size of the viewport in the workspace of the application... Can we make it that the Depth of Field blur is applied to the actual resolution of the full rendered image, and not just carried over from the blurred areas of the Viewport...More
Setting Textures at highest resolution in Character Creator 2.0 but when character comes into iclone7, detail is lost. Using PBR (not traditional) and 2048...old lady in cc2.0 looks like a young lady when she comes into iclone 7..skin details are lost...More
When using AO the effect causes jaggy artifacts around the edges of objects in the scene, I've attached an image, it's just a simple arc shape lit with directional lights, I've maxed out all AO settings to make the issue as visible as possible. The image was rendered at 1080x1920, using 3x3...More
I'm using Jade in a scene. She has elaborate hair with a Mohawk, which becomes partially transparent when there are smoke or fog particles in the background. The image hair_and_smoke.jpg shows what happens. The image hair_normal.jpg shows what the hair should look like....More
This is a refresher of the request for iClone 6, which has already 56 votes as I write this! With all the great improvements in iClone 7, one feature is still glaringly missing: a working mirror surface. This is probably one of the oldest requests and dates back from iClone 5, which had an...More
I think mapping a camera view to a material could solve any reflection needs (with no artifacts) as well as be used for things like camera viewfinders....More