When I transfer to unreal I'm currently on unreal 5.2 I have tested 5.3 5.4 and 5.5 for the animation retargeting from cc4 to Unreal and it is very difficult is it possible if you can put the bones for unreal 4 and unreal 5 mannequin in a default setup that you can export without the cc4 twist...More
I realize the porn industry is multi-billions of dollars. I also realize this is the root of the mind rot in the current generation. iClone and Chracter Creator are tools I teach to young people in learning animation. While the marketplace does blur the photo of resources that are S&M and...More
Hi, Reallusion It would really be nice with an CC Python API. For example, it would be beneficial to create a Python script that finds a specific morph in our custom characters and resets it before we delete the morph from the Neutral Base CC3+ character. To avoid doing this manually....More
I got the new Lucia model from the Content Store with the promotional $200 purchase discount. I tried to load the CC4 Lucia 2 avatar, which looks to have an alternate look. All the textures but the head texture loads and I get a message saying the head texture can't be found. I've attached...More
I was able to upload custom skin textures prior to this update. You have taken this functionality away, and with it you removed my respect for your product, and trust that I had in your company. Now when I click to change the textures out, as I have been able to in the past, it gives me a message...More
I have trial CC4 cannot export fbx due to above restriction ,if I buy this trial will I be allowed to export or ig I need this license how do I get it is it the clothes in your trial pack .Early reply appreciated thanks...More
I recently bought character creator 4 . After finished installing i tried to open the software everything came properly except the smart content manager. i followed default installation process only.. i searched everywhere but i couldn't find any solution. Also, I raised ticket for this issue...More
In CC4.33, Color Management Settings, the manual says "Select Box" for using IBL Default Image. This Box does not exist in C4.33, but in Iclone 8,33. See below....More
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen Since updating IC8 to 8.5 and CC4 to 4.5, both programs crash when loading hair from my content These hair pieces, which I converted from fiber mesh hair from DAZ Studio, among other things, were no problem loading in the previous versions....More