ExPlus is almost useless to those of us working in game development if these ARKit blendshapes are stripped out of any character that's been converted to GameBase. I know the lack of polys will make the expressions less subtle but stripping them out completely is a huge mistake. We could really...More
The new blendshapes added from ExPlus are fantastic. But sadly there is a major problem when using them when exported to other software such as Blender or Unity. Those blendshapes are not working as they should in an export: A25_Jaw_Open...More
hi there when ever i try to export the character with (Marge beard and browns into one object) option. i face the issue program crash and close....More
So technically you can already do this but I think you guys can automate it to make it more efficient and standard I provided the link below of someone already doing the feature think that will up the competitions against metahumans https://youtu.be/XX6pVMVunKs...More
The color issue when updating the textures still exists. Maybe it coheres with the fact, that Headshot is completely ignoring ICC-colorprofiles which may be embedded into images/photographs?...More
Reported the bug here: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Smart-Gallery-causes-CC3-crash Sadly, CC3 still crashes with the latest update also....More
Every single time when I export my cc3 character in Unreal using the Auto setup tool and choosing the HQ shadier, my character still don't look as good like it is in Character creator. I followed this link with documentation to see will it help but nope it is still the same. https://manual...More
Hi this is a minor thing but still worth the mention. When I work on custom assets in CC3 and want to Smooth the mesh by subdivision it automatically starts with Tessellation. This takes a serious amount of computing time on more complex meshes and usually you want to use the Subdivision option...More