FBX export to any tool target including Blender, Maya ect, fails to export certain long hair styles. Some shorter ones seem to be fine but not all. Steps to reproduce are 1. start CC3, with embedded female avatar...More
According to the announcement these files will be removed if we don't allow an export option. I have some skin files that do not give the option to export. Please see screen shot for example of the export option now being displayed. Please let me know how I can go about have the export option...More
hi have been trying to work out why it is that when i create a split head / body morph from one i have sculpted the eyes and teeth won't morph as well? can anyone please help?...More
When I export FBX with Unreal preset and choose to merge all materials, CC3 decides to randomly split some UVs into small pieces. This makes it very hard to predict the outcome of the exported texture and makes it nearly impossible to edit the textures after export. Some kind of preview option...More
From CC3 sent to iclone to 3dxchange , exported the eyeblink morph to fix When i reimported to 3dxchange and into iclone it works fine. but when i send the character to CC3 the eyeblink morph changes back to the original (before it fixed). Its like its not been saved and doesnt transfer to...More
Create a new project using Unreal Engine 4.27 and put the Auto-Setup shaders in the project. The hair shader shows up black. Bug reported on support ticket 208796...More
Even with auto correct eyeblink, the result is not always accurate. especially with the eyelashes Please give us the option to correct manual the blinking and to modify the eyelash during blinking if there is already an option how we can do it , please tell me, cause i dont know that...More
It's cumbersome, to say the least, to work with CC3 and Maya 2022 and the Arnold shader (Renderer). Can you create an auto-setup for Arnold, please?...More
There is a problem when a character is exported as FBX and then imported into Unreal with animations. When I try to retarget the animations from the mannequin character to my character there is always sliding feet or hands (IK) and the issue is probably happening from the wrong size of CC character...More