Eyelashes need to be a separate mesh in order to texture it properly into Unity as the body and eyelashes are one object you can’t set a transparency map to it without it affecting the body...More
Non-skinned objects will rotate 90 degrees when using a costum character pose after adding the object. This is not a problem with the native CC poses....More
OBJ created in Blender 2.79, and verified it is a valid OBJ. Following steps from http://manual.reallusion.com/Character_Creator_3/ENU/3/Default.htm#Character_Creator_3/3/06_Customizing_Morphing_Sliders/Morphing_Default_Character.htm I create OBJ morphs from an exported base.obj with key...More
---------------------------------------------------- Graphic engine used: Unreal engine 4 Character creator 3 pipeline: character set up ready to play with simplified bones all by default...More
I'm creating a number of characters with CC and for the next one I wanted to create a black male with facial hair. With Substance missing from CC3 characters at the moment, that becomes very difficult since we have no good way of changing skin tone. That seems like it should be an essential...More
I wish there was a export setting to separate the head and body meshes. I believe this would be more efficient in game engines that utilize blendshapes/morphs. Though you'd have two skinned meshes instead of one, only the head would have blendshapes since the body's verts aren't affected...More
I have the license for iClone 7, which I purchased with CC2. At some point later I upgraded to "Pipeline Edition". Now I installed the base version of CC3. According to your documentation I should still be able to do a basic export to Unity3D but when I try this, I get an error message "Fbx...More