Character Creator 3
Released in 3.01
Issue 5207
CC3 Export to Unity3D Fails with error "Fbx export failed."
I have the license for iClone 7, which I purchased with CC2. At some point later I upgraded to "Pipeline Edition". Now I installed the base version of CC3. According to your documentation I should still be able to do a basic export to Unity3D but when I try this, I get an error message "Fbx export failed." Have tried this with just the default character and various different sample projects but always the same results.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  4052
Submitted bymichael.pickering Oct 2, 2018
michael.pickering Oct 5, 2018
Hi Reallusion Support,

Thanks for suggesting that workaround! As it happens, I already came up with my own workaround, which was to install the CC3 Pipeline Trial Version. This allowed me to successfully export a character from CC3 and import it into Unity 3D. However, the Unity import process wasn't that straightforward, and there are still some other limitations, perhaps including some that have already been logged. Given that there are at least 2 potential workarounds for my issue #5207, I'd like to suggest that you keep it open but set it to a lower priority while your team continues to work on other improvements to CC3. I'd also like to add a request that some further effort be put into improving the export process for Unity 3D, and/or documenting the leading practices around how to most easily and effectively import characters from CC3 into Unity. From my perspective, this seems to be a very promising and valuable use case for CC3 indeed!

Best regards,

Feedback Tracker Admin Oct 5, 2018
Hi, Michael,

Thank you for your feedback.

We have confirmed this issue, please help us to try to export FBX without include "Calibration" motion (you could disable the "Include Motion" or select "Custom" to choose any motion you want), that should solve the problem temporally. We will continue to fix this issue.

michael.pickering Oct 3, 2018
I've updated my Support Ticket, #146219, with a series of notes and screenshots showing the steps to reproduce this error by starting from the CC3 "Default" project. I'm also attaching the screenshots here in case it will help. My notes were as follows:
Detailed Steps to Reproduce The Error
I just tried to do the export with a fresh, default project -- the same one that opens as soon as CC3 is launched. Please see a set of screen captures that depict the steps that I took. As I mentioned, I started by opening CC3. It automatically opened a new "Default" project, so I used "File...Export...FBX (Clothed Character)..." to initiate the export process, as depicted in Screenshot (1). Then I selected the target tool preset of "Unity 3D" and pressed the "Export" button, which led to the prompt stating that the export profile cannot be imported back into CC as shown in Screenshot (2). I clicked OK, and was prompted to select the location and enter a filename for the export, which is shown in Screenshot (3). I then clicked the button marked "Save" and got to the same error message "Fbx export failed." that I originally reported, as shown in Screenshot (4).
  • Screenshot (1).png
  • Screenshot (2).png
  • Screenshot (3).png
  • Screenshot (4).png