"Please read the "HowTo.txt" in the .zip before updating." First of all there is no "HowTo.txt" file to read in the zip. "The hotfix install flow should be:...More
Hello, Before the update we could export the Hair FBX into blender and adjust the weight maps using blenders editor and they would come back over when importing back into CC3. After the update, this is no longer possible. The weight maps changes back over to default after importing back...More
I have reproduced this 3 times. When Smart Gallery is installed, CC3 starts up, loads splash screen, loads default project, then freezes with a transparent screen of white over the application's main window. Twice I let CC3 with Smart Gallery installed 'load for almost 2 hours, thinking that...More
Greetings. When creating CC3+ morphs slider from FBX file I got an issue - CC3.32 incorrectly recognize positions of ToeBase and other Toe bones ("reset" them to the default Neutral base position) and also deform toes shape (to fit this bones positions). To fix this issue I have to use two...More
programı açıyorum ama ekran görüntüsündeki şeyi diyor ve sonra ok a bastığım zaman bi dosya kaydediyor belgelere sonra bişeyler yükleniyoor sonra kapanıyor cancel diyincede loading default project de kalıyor ve açılmıyor...More
If i want to export body parts of my character, for example the right arm, I want it with clothes on it, so only the shirt right arm, and the arm. Actually, the only solution is to delete the pants, shoes, eyes, etc... before exporting, otherwise every hidden item is exported too. Please...More
I bought the Character Creator package deal where I get the Ultimate Morphs pack. In that comes some content from the Essential Morphs pack also. I like a LOT of what the Essential Morphs pack has to offer, and want to use it in my projects - only that I can't because everything is on "Trial...More