Hello, I came across a problem today after I finally got around to testing out the Live Face Link with CC3 characters, and I noticed that one of the characters I made in CC3 using the Smart-Beard wouldn't animate the beard/moustache. I checked all the settings in CC3, and even reapplied the...More
I downloaded CC3 last week and had an enormous amount of issues with exporting FBX files. Everytime I clicked the 'export' button, CC3 completely crashed. After trying unsuccessfully to work the program, I un-installed everything, then re-installed the program through the Reallusion HUB. I...More
Attached see pic of a character I originally created in CC1, then to CC2 and finally to CC3. 1. There is something wrong with the conversion process as it has turned the eyes to a ghostly look as you run the animation. 2. I asked Support for help, but they seemed to be lost as to what to do...More
I just tried the export from CC3.03 to Unity3D 2018.3.3f1 with HDRP following your tutorial and using your setup script. I'm using Unity High Definition RP package version 4.9.0 released 2019-01-28. The materials mapping does not work as I end up with a prefab that's all white....More
When you need to replace a morph in the Face setup in 3Dxchange. Ex fix the blink. It would be good if you can export the morph from CC3 directly and load it into 3Dxchange. Currently when you try do this, 3Dxchange tell you that the vertex count is wrong....More
Hi, I'm trying to use the HDRP auto setup script (latest version dowloaded on your website), but the only way to use it is on macOS using unity 2019.2.20. Under windows, I tried with unity 2018.4 (LTS), 2019.1.14 and 2019.2.20 using any combination of unity version / auto setup script version...More
1. Export default character as FBX in T pose and A pose. 2. Import into Blender, both poses are the same. Come on, fix this simple issue please....More