Greetings, If to export avatar to FBX and then import it back (without any changes) position of all bones in imported model will be different from original. For example position of Hips bone for CC3 Neutral character is:...More
Hi, just installed the free trial and the viewport is way to slow to operate. No mouse response at all.... Already installed IClone and it goes very well.......More
My goal: To export CC3 characters (converted to Game Base) to Blender (v. 2.83) for touch-up, then to Unity. My steps (screenshots attached below): I create a character in CC3 (v. 3.22), then convert it to Game Base. I put it in "0_T Pose" and export "FBX (Clothed Character)" with either...More
When you import an OBJ that you have modeled around an CC3 imported figure, when you import it into CC3, it doesn't position properly. I export the CC3 figure --it doesn't matter if it's male or female, but I import it to my modeling program and lock it from being moved, scaled, rotated or...More
CC3 is crashing when I try to export a simple nude man (I need the manikin in blender). Steps to reproduce: 1. Open a brand new project with default manikin...More
I'm using CC3 3.41 Pipeline When I attach 2 custom props to a character and use the Omniverse Exporter, then Character Creator crashes at 35% progress to the desktop. If only ONE attachment is used, the export works fine... This happens with most of my custom created props....More
When importing clothes from Daz, there is usually a lot of buttons and other detached details. This is an issue, as they're created as unique assets in CC3. It would be great to be able to combine/merge meshes in CC3, to remove this issue...More
Hello, Character Creator 3.21 Pipeline starts normally, but when loading any file, it shows "Loading Stream ...", then "Converting data ...", then while showing "Please Wait ..." it crashes (Application disappears from the screen with no error message). I tried many of the game ready and studio...More