I'm used to recently using both Moho and Clip Studio Paint, and they both appear to pack a lot more onto the screen at 1920x1080. CA5, in comparison, seems to fit a small percentage of the amount in the same screen. I've included screen shots of both Clip studio and CA5 as a comparison. I also...More
Help -> Forum, currently takes the user to https://forum.reallusion.com/Archive/Cartoon-Animator Should this not be changed to go to https://forum.reallusion.com/Cartoon-Animator-5...More
It would be incredibly beneficial if the colours for selected and non-selected facial parts in Face Key Editor and Face Puppet were like green and blue, rather than the current two colours to assist colourblind users to differentiate them more....More
The Content Manager in CT5, on a screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 takes up a lot more space than the older CT4 Content Manager. Whilst I appreciated it can be closed and re-opened when needed from the Window Menu, or shortcut key of F4, could a way of shrinking it or enlarging it in...More
The Cartoon Animator reference manual and also the video tutorials are very good, but it would be nice to see a tutorial manual to get users started with all the main features and uses of Cartoon Animator 5. The Moho Tutorial Manual springs to mind as an excellent example. Unfortunately, I...More
If I add another actor to a project, the voices of the existing actors are lost. I can see, tthe Voiceclip is still there, the Lips are moving, but there is no sound....More
At present, only .exe files associated with a graphics program will allow it to be selected as an SVG or PSD editor. The new Affinity Designer 2 is a Windows App, so does not have an .exe file. It cannot currently be selected as the editor....More
hey everyone , i used a character named jhony , and i went to composer mode , i wanted to launch pdf to see jhony's character in pdf , but everytime i try it doesnt work , long story short i cant launch jhony's psd file, please help...More
When I leave ca5 open, to work on later or tomorrow, this never happened in ca4, I lose the audio of the clip. It comes back if I reload it, but it should not lose the audio after a few hours of the program being open. Maybe even shorter than that. Thanks...More
Hello all, would like to see in CTA the possibillity to merge clips as we can do in iclone, because every time i have more than one clip on the time line, i need to use face puppet more than one time....More