Issue 9446
Glitch re bits missing from some corners of PNG Text Props
Part of the text is sometimes clipped off a corner... unpredictably... but usually it's the bottom left corner, as if the mesh for it is too small, even when other text meshes for other sprites in the same prop work okay.
To Replicate the Glitch:
1) Download and drag the 6 attached PNGs into CA5...
please note: YOU MUST DRAG THEM IN AT THE SAME TIME... so they build 1 prop with 6 Sprites.
2) When they open automatically in Composer Mode, click on the sprite called "Top Tips 0" and you will see that the bottom left corner of the 1st Capital "T" is missing... it is also missing in Stage Mode.
3) SOMETIMES... exporting it out to photoshop as a psd, and re-naming or re-saving the sprite will fix the problem, but only about 10% of the time.
Fastest & never-fail-yet Work-Around (that I've found so far):
1) Drag all 6 into CA4 at the same time to create the prop, where everything works perfectly.
2) Save it into the Custom Prop Library in CA4.
3) Drag the CA4 prop from the CA4 custom library into the CA5 Stage Mode.
Note: Garry Pye has an excellent youtube mini-tute re how to fix this (apparently mesh?) problem for an avatar sprite, but I can't see how to do it with a PNG text sprite in a prop.
Refer his Tute: Any advice or solution to this would be greatly appreciated please.
Submitted byTarampa Studios
Apr 11, 2023