I use an obj file as its input. After body rig, hand rig, choosing motion, then export FBX (any target app). I tried the fbx in blender and autodesk FBX review. Both show T-pos only. The AccuRig version is 1.3.9. Please help. Thank you....More
Creating a character in Accurig, I’ve adjusted the bone rotations to fix the head, feet etc with the offsets panel on the right side. None of the offsets are applied when I export the model for Unreal. ??...More
I used Actor Core Accurig to give my model a rig to control. once i was done, I downloaded auto setup for blender to riggify the model once ported from Accurig. first, the models rest pose was odd, i had to clear all transformations for it to have a normal t pose. second, when i riggified it...More
After going through the rigging process, AccuRIG has stopped showing the 3D model in the final "Check Animation" step after hand rigging. I'm on Windows 10 with an RTX 3070 on version 1.3.8. I've tried: - Reinstalling AccurRIG...More
If you have a character that the auto bone detect does not work properly, fixing the position of the bones is next to impossible. since all movement is 'screen relative' , a small / slight movement in screen space ALWAYS ends up moving the bone significantly in the 'depth' of the scene, so...More
Hello, The site has an issue and I cannot login neither explore the site. Please fixed it as soon as possible. I need to purchase some animations....More
I keep getting the error that my polycount for my imported mesh is too high (above 600K) when it is clearly not. I have checked my polygon count in my 3D app, and it is well below 600K. I even reduced the polygon count by HALF just to be sure, and Accurig still thinks its above 600K. How can...More