In my opinion, Reallusion should make filler packs of animated motions rather than scripted motions that are easily identifiable. I constantly find myself looking through the actorcore library for specific motions I can use to take the place of some missing motions instead I'm always looking...More
Certain Fbx Characters (Blender xported) are not Visible in Accurig 1.3.4. You can rig them (auto) and after the Process has finished char become visible. See Attachements. Win10, 32Gb, Gtx1080ti...More
GREAT ACCURIG LIKE MIXAMO. I had an issue with my model with mixamo. which was not defined or explained. so i tried the free accurig. and the imported model was ok and setup was a breeze....More
I would like to see musician motions. Guitar / bass with moving fingers / guitar leads / held chords / Slide leads etc/ drums 4/4 5/4 7/4 different time signatures and styles / keyboards etc you get the idea. :) If this was put into a package I would buy it for sure....More
It would be nice to change the background image so we can see how it looks with it. Right now it's just dark gray. Also, be able to remove the mesh on the floor....More
I'm surprised at the lack of female motion packs. For every male action, there should be a parallel female action, unless it's specifically gender-related (like a woman lifting her breast to look at her abs, or a man fixing his pants so they don't ride up so high). I need female solder movements...More
Request for new characters I kindly request you to prepare new characters depicting clergymen from different religions: Character 1: A Roman Catholic priest wearing a black soutane (cassock) ....More
I am reaching out to you regarding a persistent issue I am encountering with AccuRIG. Despite numerous attempts, I have been unable to upload any of my actor models to Actorcore. Each time I attempt to do so, I receive the following error message: "Error Occurred while uploading character to...More
Hi , I would love to see Detectives and Crime Scene Investigator actors in Actorcore including animations as well. For example, examining the crime scene, taking photographs, talking to witnesses, communicating with each other sharing information, observing the area of the crime, dusting for...More