I've used 3DXChange last week when it wasn't updated to Version 7.5 and when I imported any sort of Character it worked perfectly fine. I have a mixamo rigged character and now that I've updated to Version 7.5 the program crashed on Import. It gets stuck on the last step Converting Real-time...More
Hello, I have the same issue as many other people had with the 7.2 version. I made a clean installation and it crashes on startup. I see for a short moment the splash screen and then it crashes. Thanks...More
Importing fbx file into 3dxchange pipeline (previously exported from DAZ with facial mocap data on it) and accepting automated bone structure conversion, resulting with jaw not mapped warning. After manual mapping nothing could be accomplished, head is moving, but jaw and the eyes not. Its...More
It would amazing if 3dxchange and iclone could support the iPhone X ARKit Blendshapes. It is very frustrating to have a model with the 52 ARKit Blendshapes on the one side and on the other to see datas that correspond to those blendshapes in iclone when capturing with an iphoneX and not being...More
Morphs that are exported from 3DXchange from a character's Face Setup>Expression Editor list don't have the same exact orientation as the figure, if you load a morph into Morph Creator, you will notice it will shift location slightly, but the bones stay in place. Because of the difference,...More
Bug happens with most of the other product installers(iClone/CC3 etc) as well. Very noticeable with the pipeline bonus installer of causing catastrophic error on installer until I tried moving the installer from USB to C drive. Needed to fix some Reallusion related registries as well after...More
I loaded a Sketchup Model in 3DXchange 7.3 and first selected "Exclude .SKP Back Faces" and then "Merge Identical". Merge Identical deleted quite a lot of Mesh items. This does not happen with the same model in 3DXchange 6.5. The 2 attached images show the issue, look carefully at the Window...More
that problem its the CC1 character in character creator 3.0 its compatible with 3dxchange and automatly see all rigs and blendshapes but the cc3 character in character creator 3.0 see that character as a custom character.and it takes one hours to apply all the same shapes and the rig. and...More
3dxchange 7.23 ne fonctionne plus il fonctionnait très bien jusqu'à ce jour mais depuis le 17 aoùt 2018 impossible de le lancer il s'ouvre très vite et s'installe en réduction sur le côté gauche pour disparaître aussitôt . iclone 3dxchange 6 fonctionne, caractère creator de même , crazytalk...More