When using the "Convert to Non-standard"-setup to use animations from Axis Neuron, everything seems to go fine, but at one point in the animation the left arm snaps to the side. this happens to multiple animations. -- I also can't seem to attach a .zip file with the video to show the issue...More
Dear Team Reallusion, In 3DXchange > Modify Panel > Animation Rollout > Perform Editor Rollout > Delete All Button is half Hidden. Please see attached....More
I understand 3DXchange has joint rotation but that just distorts the model if you rotate 180 degrees and you can only see changes when "Active" is not checked. In my opinion I believe this is an essential function to allow more compatibility of non human creatures to be able to use mocap or...More
A recent model search in 3dwarehouse proved difficult re: 3DXchange as almost all model downloads on the site now are for sketchup 2017/2018. Xchange only supports up to sketchup 2015. Whilst I appreciate that there are still sketchup 2015 models available for download on www, 3dwarehouse is...More
Expression editor should allow numeric input from a load profile. ( Instead of a Fail to load error message input profile numerically.) Allow to test expressions and visemes combination in Expression Editor....More
Program opens and immediately closes. All other Reallusion programs function normally. Note: Feb 5 Uninstalled a program named 'Duet'. This program provides an interface between Ipad and PC and is used for drawing etc. After uninstall 3dXchange now functions....More
When you get genesis 8 in to 3dxchange 7,4 the feet poses wrong. when you imported this in to iclone the feet is still wrong. Ex in motion puppet the feet is still wrong....More
j'ai résolu le problème , iclone 3DXChange 7 .23 ne se lançait plus , il s'installait en haut à gauche en modèle réduit j'ai résolu le problème cliquer, propriété dans l'onglet raccourci ,exécuter et choisir "agrandie" et tout est redevenu normal...More