I'd like to make a folder of commonly used motions for an upcoming project. It's a large project that will have at least 50 different types of motions. Can I make a pack for this and it show up in my content animation section like the rest of the motions? I've followed most of the tutorials...More
There should be a button that when clicked will apply current accupose settings to every single keyframe selected. This would be extremely useful for MOCAP animations. I could import my MOCAP, convert it to keyframes by right clicking the motion clip in the timeline using the "Sample Motion...More
Recently we were considering uninstalling and reinstalling iclone 8.52. We've done a lot of animation, so just want to make sure we don't do more damage that good. ie. paths, folders, collections, tags etc etc. Is there a way to make sure we can still access our work after the install?...More
I see the trend of offering some features and content under a subscription model, and it makes me a bit concerned that in the future that will be the only thing offered. I'm guessing a lot of customers share this same concern. We have seen it again and again in the industry. I want Reallusion...More
Yes, that's weird. When I work in a project, I separate my scenes in several projects to reduce the risk of loosing my work entirely. This makes me switching among iClone projects very often. I recently discovered, if I leave my computer for 5 minutes and my monitor goes black to save energy...More
Hi! I export my iclone character to Blender with the Blender free add on and it show super well in Blender with the texture and all, but when from Blender i export it in glb it does not show my color anymore, does i have to delete a material part before exporting in Blender or in blender do...More
iClone 8 has been an incredible tool for animation, but one feature that could significantly enhance the animation process is the ability to convert the animation timeline into stepped interpolation for blocking purposes and then easily switch it back to Bezier curves for refining animations...More
Hi there, I recently discovered that if you move the character decently far away from the origin, any time you move an animation handle in Edit Motion Layer or Accupose it'll cause the characters, what I assume to be root to shift...every single time you make any sort of an adjustment or change...More
When animating the look at constraint work sometimes and sometime don't. My process: 1. Start animation with custom character CC3+ (Created in CC4.52)...More