Hello friends. I have a single suggestion for the new Iclone 8. Implement a modeling and uvmap system, which will make iclone an animation and modeling software, getting very close to the great modeling and animation softwares. You do not need to create rig and characters, because Character...More
can not copy and paste a motion on the time anywhere. also, the auto play is not working when applying a motion, or audio file. even with the box checked in preferences. in addition. removing animation from project does not work....More
Many users are disappointed that iclone isn't on Linux OS, windows only isn't satisfactory, so please support Linux in future, to meet the demands of an EXTREMELY hungry world of creative professionals, seriousy, we need the whole entire suite of Reallusion software running on Linux OS as it...More
Hi, I purchased the iclone 7.2 with 3dxchange Pro bundle and downloaded and installed it on my 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate. On clicking the iclone icon to start the App it is not starting, instead it is giving the following Problem I copied and pasted below for your kind reference. Please help...More
After sampling motion and opening Curve Editor, I cannot select any of the motion layers, and I cannot see keys for any layers. The toolbar is also greyed-out UPDATE / WORKAROUND: 1. Select "Edit> Object Transform"...More
Dear all, I brought the mocap plugin for icone but Microsoft is discontinued the xbox kinect sensor. instead of that microsoft and intel is working on new technology "Realsense" check here https://software.intel.com/en-us/realsense...More
I have never had a problem with iclone before now. All versions that I have used over the years have worked fine. But today I got an issue that I can not seem to clear. every project I have created and saved will not open. I keep getting an error saying "files missing". I haven't moved or deleted...More
Hi, That would be great when hiding elements like Avatars or props etc.. to get a better playback speed, for the moment it seems like the computer continues to calculate polygons of hided elements. And,...More
It would be greatly helpful to have a GI Specular Bounce Strength Factor also as a Materials parameter instead of being solely a global GI factor. This would help having more control on PBR material specular highlights (ie: Eyes Cornea, ..) intensity, which is normally controlled by the index...More