Show / Hide - Avatar/prop/sky/etc.. // And physics
That would be great when hiding elements like Avatars or props etc.. to get a better playback speed, for the moment it seems like the computer continues to calculate polygons of hided elements.
In the opposite way it could be very nice to be able to "solo" element(s), for example i have a big project and i want to make animations ( on avatars, or props, or particles etc.. ) then i just want my avatar and the piece of land i want him to walk on. It will give a big difference of realtime playback ( if my first proposition of stop to calculate hided elements )
When you have physics clothes on avatar this is hardly slowing down the playback speed, for the moment i just select my avatars clothes one by ones and disables the physics, then i enable the physics only for final rendering. it could be good if we can get an option to "Disable all physics" or to get a pop-up with all the physics activated in the project with checkboxex to enable/disable them.