To ease the process of using iClone in the broader pipeline with other suites it would be great to have the possibility of exporting renders with burnt-in timecode OR as a workaround - to have the option of importing custom video with alpha and TC overlay...More
CC has the perfect "Position Lock" option but it also needs to be added to Iclone as well. It would help a great deal to have the ease of combining motions while keeping the character locked to the center of the screen to make editing and rendering easier....More
An optional Window that displays the Undo History stored in memory. The user could open this window to view their history after making an error or experimenting. This allows users to bypass the need for excessively undo/redo and can save time and work from being lost....More
so there are times I import 3D environments I made outside of iClone, but when imported even though all the textures are embedded in the FBA files, iClone imports them without the textures on and I have to texture all over again which takes a very long time, so maybe to save time if FBX fines...More
1. Import external motion file 2. Choose any profile ... all fail to convert correctly. the file was exported as HumanIK and mixamo from Rokoko both fail to convert to iclone8 motions...More
There are so many crashes (return back to Windows without messages or warnings) that a backup before any manipulation (merge, flatten, the last one I was just scrubbing a clip with an audio file attached!) is always necessary. So a quick save, I mean without the 3 secondes needed to create...More
iClone 8 and Character 4 crash after I load any project. I can't even create anything :-/ I bought the software without any free test so I'm disappointed :-/...More