I've reported several apparent bugs many of which you claim not to be able to repeat During my own investigation I noticed that the RLRunUtility.exe that's in the windows start up list, that references StartRLCMS.bat. In the C:\ProgramData\Reallusion directory....More
When adding texture to the Glow channel, the maximum value of the slider is 6000. The maximum value should be 100.(See "IC840_Glow_slider_max_value.png"). Steps to reproduce: 1. Load an object such as a box (any prop without a Glow texture will do)....More
Hi, When I enable reach target for the character pelvis (for example sitting on a sofa) if after that I select character hand, to correct its position, translate gizmo jumps to other location (offset from selected point)...More
It would be a lot more useful if in the pose mixer, you can mask out body parts with more specificity, as opposed to how it is now where you can only mask the whole torso, or a whole arm, or a whole leg. This would especially be useful with the torso, since the root can radically alter the...More
Hi Reallusion Team, Motion Director is fantastic! I have a major request, what I would love to see is use Motion Director for animating cars in the scene so that you drive the car either using the keyboard, control pad etc. With the ability to drive, stop, turn, drift and also (if possible...More
I own Accuface and I tried to use it but it is not usable for me. I have a 4K monitor and ACCuface doesn't support 4k Monitors. Its interface is so tiny you literally cant see what your doing. I have a dual monitor setup where my Lg 950b 4k monitor is my main monitor and i have a 24inch 1080p...More