Hello Just yesterday the new U5.4 appeared, but UNREAL LIVE LINK plugins are only for U5.3 and do not work in U5.4. Please update as soon as possible. Thank you and greetings to everyone from Rellusion...More
It's very surprising that exporting an FBX results in just a single animation clip containing the entire timeline. Unless people are really creating one iClone project per individual animation, a far simpler workflow would support labelling portions of the Timeline, such that labeled regions...More
This is a very confusing UI implementation that I consider to be a bug, since it took me hours to figure out what was actually happening, and led me to believe there were several other bugs present in the software. In short, when trying to edit a Lip Options element on the timeline, the position...More
If you drag a Motion onto the timeline, and it's long enough to overlap an existing Motion to the right of it, iClone simply deletes the Motion that it overlaps with. It should instead automatically fade between the two motion, exactly the same as if you had dragged the motion into an empty...More
There needs to be a way to resize the UI in both IClone and Character Creator. Even at 4k resolution the UI is gigantic, to the point that the actual 3d viewport is TINY if you are going to actually do anything. Compare an open scene in IClone with a similar scene in Unreal, Unity or 'any...More
I had a couple of tickets opened years ago. This is one of them which is still "Assigned": https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Follow-Terrain-and-Projected-Path-Inconsistensy-rebound Issue was partially fixed in iClone 7 Sorry to say but iClone 8 reverted all fixes back and added...More
It's frustrating that there's no easy GoZ like functionality when it comes to building up custom morphs for clothes or props. It's also frustrating that you can't input negative values, or values over 100% for custom morphs for clothes or props....More
There is object constraints that work with physics but no bone constraints that can be added to the armature of props and accessories. These are essential tools needed for character creation. I am blown away that this program does not already have this....More
Works with various AI Plugins *For realistic voice overs that can change sound, ambience, *Visual Director/Emulator: Uses Visuals, Descriptions, Content Tags, scale, rotation, position to assist and or direct AI...More