There is nothing can be done to customize them. Because of the corrupt UV maps, saving individual part as props (after converting) and loading them back, ends up with error. Nor other maps could be added such as bump/normal. Exporting reveal inconsistency in UV maps immediately....More
We need the option to batch export all motion clips for a selected character as individual .fbx files to make iclone viable in a video game pipeline. Currently each clip has to be selected, the animation range is then set to the clip, and then you can export it. It's a pretty painless process...More
Greetings, I wanted to tell you that I really like the Iclone software and character creator, they are incredible. I wanted to make some suggestions for future versions of iclone and character creator. In my case I work cleaning mocap animations and I would like it to be more versatile in...More
Hello there, These guys here : (watch "Experience Penrose" !) Are using a Facial Mocap app where the actor can see his Mocap results...More
Think fast, video AI based on keywords is just around the corner. If people can, they will - drop manual animation and native rendering for a complete solution at a fraction of the cost. This is perfectly fine, no worries of the possibility of users ditching ic8 or cc4 in the future, because...More
Could you add an option to play a sound when rendering is completed? Maybe add it as an option like Sony Vegas does where we can set it up in the Windows Sounds and play our own sound file. Often I do render long videos and step away from the PC. It would be nice if iClone played something...More
Maybe since this can be added to UE5 maybe iC8 should have it as well. It should also enable users to use VR with iC8 for walkthroughs etc. I've suggested to other artists that they could potentially scan an entire...More