I am exporting a character to UE 5.3 and using Subivision Mesh. If the subdivision Level is 1 or 2, then the character is successfully imported into the UE, but I see errors in the log, see file SUB12_Err.txt If the subdivision level is 3, then the import into the UE ends with the crash of...More
Last night I purchased several plugins and unzipped the files and placed the folders in the Bin64/OpenPlugin folder as instructed: Only 1 out of all of them has shown up in the Plugin folder. Many are G-tools, such as RoadBuilder, Building Creator, StairBuilder, and BuildingBlocks. Out of these...More
Problem 1. I have a soft cloth plane and a sphere merged because they both contain skin weights connected to each other. 2. When using the Prop Puppet tool, it only works with objects/non avatars with physics enabled - I can enable soft and rigid body for each within the multi-mesh prop but...More
I face to the bug between cc4 and iclone8 and decide to update my iclone but it say you can not update because of trail version . I unistal it and want to instal and it tell me again about a trail version product. i have licence . what is the problem?...More
I exported the character to UE 5.2 with subdivision mesh level 2 after which the character’s nails in the UE viewport began to flicker strangely (see screenshot). How to get rid of this flicker?...More
Trying to get motion link to simply work with a motion from iClone in CTA5. I am getting strange bone positionings when I try and use a motion in iClone. https://youtu.be/pj7oBRJdbgE...More
Please refer to my previous ticket. Enclosed is the system information. Please provide CC4.31 and IC8.31 installers that are working so we can reinstall the previous version to continue with our work while the development team investigates the issues with the new version pushed today....More
Please update, Add: *The SSS map/mask slot should take the map information from the displacement channel (optionally) so it can be animated *We need to have translucency to see objects fading into the depth.. maybe add screen space opacity?...More