Animation > Flatten All Motion with Constraint fills the timeline with erroneous keys up to the largest keyframe previously occupied by animation data in a project. It does not start out in this state, but rather, it takes a series of actions to produce this state and once it occurs it remains...More
Hi, When trying to use the 'Initial Force' settings for a prop. The values I enter, get overwritten with random numbers and nothing happens with regards to my settings entered. I'm doing this with a project where the props are bombs being dropped from a plane wing....More
I use iclone 8.12, import camera from unreal engine 5.0.3 it was normal and works as long as smaller than 1799 frames. Everyhting fine. The process is fast/...More
Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Set your Undo Times in Preferences to 100 for safety. 2. Spend all day tediously animating a project with tight deadline, saving your project throughout the day as you progress....More
Doesn't matter what it is. Transform, texture, camera movement. Undo is likely to crash the app probably 30% of the time at this point. Also when re-starting, though the option to restore is given, it always fails and crashes iClone again. This has been a consistent issue since 8.0 I...More
Try to open iClone 8, and it crashes at splash screen, after a pop up saying: "unsaved project data found. would you like to update" we have tried to uninstall and reinstall it....More