Accuface is not working. What should I do? I bought it on 30/11/2024. I really want to use it and I know you guys are very busy. Would it be convenient for me to get Accuface to work? Thanks in advance for Help and I really love iClone 8.52. And I don’t speak English very well. This may cause...More
I use Accuface to capture a facial mocap from video. The eyes and eyelids are a bit out of sync so I go into the Curve Editor with those sampled to copy and paste from the left side to the right. As soon as I paste the keys, it crashes. This used to work for me in the past. I tried with the...More
The interface of AccuFACE is too small on a 4K screen. Is there a way to increase the size of the fonts? I used the “Override high DPI scaling behavior” on the “Compatibility” tab to increase the size, but I don’t know if this can create problems with the functionality of AccuFACE. I attached...More
1. Send my character from character creator to Iclone on the plugin motion live /motion live 3. selet facial accuface but and error appears (Failed to connect to Accuface)...More
I installed Accuface and Iclone as suggested, but I receive the issue 'failed to connect accuface' when I click the green circle. The IP is correct, I also installed the hotfix as suggested in the reallusion blog but the problem persist. Can you resolve this? thanks...More
Hi guys, just wondering if you can add video/frame sync between AccuFace and iC8 playbar in a Scrub audio type function and jump to frame in the AccuFace Window<---this especially. That way we could quickly jump to points that might not be as accurate to almost do facial rotoscoping. In the...More
Works with various AI Plugins *For realistic voice overs that can change sound, ambience, *Visual Director/Emulator: Uses Visuals, Descriptions, Content Tags, scale, rotation, position to assist and or direct AI...More
Think fast, video AI based on keywords is just around the corner. If people can, they will - drop manual animation and native rendering for a complete solution at a fraction of the cost. This is perfectly fine, no worries of the possibility of users ditching ic8 or cc4 in the future, because...More
Hi, just bought AccuFace, installed and start working with iClone 8.4 using the steps presented in Reallusion's Youtube channel ( 1. AccuFACE can fully connect with iClone without any problem. 2. My laptop's built in camera can fully function...More