This is from both iClone 7 directly and 3DXchange as well. Same behavior in both. Issue one: - When I export an FBX file of any sort, it creates a .fbm folder with all of the textures in there. Awesome....More
I exported an iClone CC body obj to 3DCoat to paint (with keep UV) but in 3DCoat anything I painted on the legs would show up on the head. I was using the spline paint tool. So i thought iClone must have some UV issue that wont work for what I'trying to do (just paint anywhere and the paint...More
Just tried to use iClone after several updates (iClone 7.02.0915.1, Super PBR Tools patch, some freebie content, and added some Mixamo-3DX-iClone motion conversions). Two main issues that were not present before updates: 1) iClone boot time -- seems to stall while loading icColorManagementSection...More
When collecting all the actor's animations into MotionPlus all data is correctly saved (Animation, Facial Expression, ReachTo, ...) but eyeballs' animation is not....More
When I drag and drop a material (e.g. CloneCloth for Gwynn, Gwynn upper, overcoat B) I get the message "Failed to load material, this is not a valid material file" The overcoat is there but the colours are not correct. The same problem with other materials....More
So far 7.2 is vary laggy when I load any project files, The UI becomes vary slow after adding a few props. Some projects wont update when I make changes, like moving the camera or adjusting textures nothing happens iclone just sits. Overall performance 7.2 is way down on both my systems....More
As soon as I launch the project, it loads but then as it processes the file, it suddenly crashes at around 36%. I created it in iClone 7.01. Yesterday, before opening it, I got the message to update my Reallusion apps with the 7.02 patch, which I did on both of my workstations. Both have...More
The iclone7's automatic updater downloads the patch; my system, W10, refuses to overwrite the iclone.exe The process aborts. As I paid for the early bird iclone7, it shows up as free in my order history (!!...) and I don't find the patch to upgrade manually. Please, remedy! I get upset this...More