iClone 7
Issue 3596
Texture exporting is really wasteful in its current fashion.
This is from both iClone 7 directly and 3DXchange as well. Same behavior in both.

Issue one:
- When I export an FBX file of any sort, it creates a .fbm folder with all of the textures in there. Awesome.
- However, it also exports a hierarchical folder tree of textures in a folder called "textures." This is a lot less awesome, and makes unity import take extra long, for instance.

Issue two:
- Even when I'm not exporting any geometry, it's still exporting the textures.

Issue three:
- If I want to export without geometry, I can't do that directly from iClone. I have to go to 3DXchange first, which I have no other reason to visit for this workflow.
- But, worse, at the moment if I want to get animations into 3DXchange I have to export an FBX from iClone first, then load that from 3DXchange, then export that again from 3DXchange, this time without geometry. Ick!

Issue four:
- These fbx files are suspiciously large even when "embed textures" is turned off. They're roughly half the size of normal, but it still seems like something is in there -- I've never seen mesh-only FBX files that were so large, certainly not for this sort of poly count. And it isn't just that animation data makes it large or something.
- This issue actually causes a variety of issues relating to import slowness in any other tool, and when these files go in source control it bloats that as well.

1. I'd like to be able to just export animations and nothing else straight from iClone directly.
2. I'd like for only one set of textures to be exported when I do want them, not the 3+ versions that are presently going out.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  1542
Submitted bychrispark7
This is an intersting issue, that I am also facing 4 years after the opening of the ticket.
It would be awesome to be able to basically export only animation / skeleton / mesh.
Separately, when embed textures is ON, it does the following:

- textures folder is created, with a bunch of subfolders, with copy 1 of all the files (why?)
- modelname.fbm folders are created, with the actual textures I need. (why?)
- the fbx files themselves are way way larger, and seem to contain all the textures for all the channels (makes sense)
Oh -- actually I just tested this a different way with unity, and it looks like here is what happens with the attached export settings:

- textures folder is created, with a bunch of subfolders, but all are empty. (strange)
- modelname.fbm folders are created, with the actual textures I need. (good)
- the fbx files themselves are overly large, and if I take those into Unity I still get the albedo and normal channels filled with textures.

So it looks like even when embed textures is off, it still embeds albedo and normals.
  • exportSettings.JPG