iClone 7
Released in 7.22
Issue 3573
Iclone 7.02 crash if Billboard Shadow settings changed to OFF
Hey RL-Team

After repeating this procedure again and again the must be a BIG BUG .
Try to do the following steps

create a billboard face cam
create a second billboard rot z
set on both a avi or and png in diff and opacchannel and try to rotate stage---works fine


if you switch off the shadowsettings in the scenewindow (all shadows/castonly/recieve only and OFF )
iclone crashes every time....again and again....

We need this function very often and since the new update iclone crashes permanetly.

Hope the will be very soon a solution....thank you very much
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  1340
Submitted by2IDs media:design
2IDs media:design

Good Job,

This workaround seem to solve the problem for now. We will keep an eye on it. Many Thanks
and always...Keep things movin .

Indeed we use win10, GTX 1070 8GB Ram and the reg-entry solve the problem :-) NICE
Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you for your feedback.

Previously we can not reproduce this issue, later we found that it could be caused by a ROV defect in recent versions of nVidia GTX 9 & 10 series display drivers.
We can only bypass this error for now, but there are still a few cases that cannot be solved.

If you are using GTX 9/10 series display card and having the following issues in iClone 7:
* Freezing issue while rendering video.
* Crash caused by Billboards contents.

Please do the following steps for the workaround:
1. Download this zip file:
2. Unzip, and run the IC-7-Rov-OFF.reg to turn off the ROV feature in iClone.
3. Restart iClone.

Please let us know if the issue can be solved by turning off the ROV.

We will update iClone to avoid the crash caused by ROV issue in next patch.

2IDs media:design
This error is permanetly avaible in the latest Update to 7.21.

PLEASE REPAIR OLD BUGS FIRST !!!! BEFORE RELEASING one update after another and more and more HEAVY Bugs appear.

The Same with the Curve Editor!!!! So many Bugs....The first release work so fine and after this update the Curveeditor is totally useless!!!!

We PAY for every extension / plugin and we await that they fully work so as you take the whole price for it !!!!