I'm amazed that no one thought to include this, but there needs to be a way to send imported morphs that already exist in the figures to the morph animation section. Right now, you can have a figure in iClone that already has morphs with it, but there's no way to select these existing morphs...More
Hello RL, here is one suggestion for IC7. I think it would be useful to be able to right-click on the assets displayed in the scene window and having a pop-up context menu where we can choose some options....More
Dear Dealer, I`m new to iClone, the program is great, but I was very disappointed that it`s not possible to change the playback speed. Only 30 fps is available. Why not to support at least 24 fps for film either? Please consider this in a new update. I loved the softbody sims for Hair&Cloth...More
Currently, if using PBR materials, Iclone uses linear workflow. However upon export, there's no way to save in a format that continues this linear workflow, and all clips are output as SRGB. For those of us wanting to use Iclone for professional animation, compositing and export, it is important...More
Hello, while editing a complex project with many props and materials, I found that it would be very handy to have a way to disable the GI settings for all the props and all the the materials of a prop. Obviously, if this can be done with the forthcoming Python API, there will be no need to...More
We have physics in the UI and the physics toolbox. Both are OK, but we sure could use some improvements in the physics toolbox. Afterall, it was released 5 + years ago....More
I know Reallusion plans to improve the particle system in iClone. Would be perfect if any of NIVIDA FSX could be implemented. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGLAC69J-BM...More
I really believe that multiple GPU support should be implemented with PBR Rendering. Game engines support this feature which allows for a lot of extra "Juice" when it comes to rendering scenes. I think it would be a great feature to add, particularly when it comes to rendering resource heavy...More