while editing a complex project with many props and materials, I found that it would be very handy to have a way to disable the GI settings for all the props and all the the materials of a prop. Obviously, if this can be done with the forthcoming Python API, there will be no need to add to the existing GUI... Vice verse, if the Python API are not able to touch this setting, pls, consider to add a global disabling button.,
Hi Job,
this feature is useful when you still want to add the GI, but there are many props & prop materials that have the GI enabled: soon or later we might decide to switch some of them off, whatever to reduce the resource consumption or because we might decide that they should not contribute to the lighting.
Here it starts my problem if there are dozens or hundreds of props with complex material structure.
I hope we can "touch" every editing parameter via Python, so that we can develop codes to change multiple assets in one shot :-)
I may be missing something but how is this different from just turning GI off?
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