I & others spend so much time writing feedback about bugs ways to increase productivity etc I really wish DA points are automatically given to those that are confirmed issues/assigned -until resolved. I often wait and wait for months not being able to upload new products or create videos/scenes...More
On the previous versions we could save custom heads on iclone but we cant anymore. the button to save the head is greyed out, you cant press it anymore...More
Hi, i have some objs with materials already setup in an Unreal folder. However, if i dump a iclone FBX (props with animation) in the same folder, it will mess up the other objs' materials. The issue is with the autosetup. The problem will not occur when i disable the plugin....More
Hello I suggest reallusion to create a plugin for terrain import. When I create a terrain with software like earth sculptor or world creator, it looks nice from far view. But in a close view, the textures are ugly......More
After having a breakthrough with visual effects I realized that Reallusion could expand on this allowing people to make and sell their own projections animated and stills already set up in the point lights. This is my example https://youtu.be/B9o8pHr-fsk Many things could be created and...More
Some of the examples are using an older version of the api. Looking at page https://wiki.reallusion.com/IC_Python_API:RLPy_RIHandDevice in the wiki. Things like RLPy.EHandDataSource_RIGHT_HAND now equals RLPy.EHandDataSource_RightHand case is incorrect. Also an explanation of the data formats...More
Hi I was wondering if you can add an option for a collection of props added to use their own default icon for uploading. I'd rather not waste time on creating a recapture for each when I am trying to upload 72 props that need their own thumbnail icon. The only option available is to upload...More
CC3 has merge UV option but this would be extremely useful to provide this for props and characters within iClone. I'd like to either merge props and bake out a new shared UV/materials or just attach and merge UVs. The InstaLOD function could be very useful in iClone....More