A fantastic enhancement would be to allow any voice to be used in the Text to Speech, given a sample of the voice. I know Adobe demo'd VoCo a few years back and LyreBird and others are offering commercial services for this but most are not affordable or flexible enough for an Indie or Amateur...More
Following the example of the page http://wiki.reallusion.com/IC_Python_API:RLPy_RIFaceComponent The function GetKey() returns 60 elements in the 'morph' array, but in iClone, there are 66 elements. The 6 missing elements are shifted in the 'custom' array....More
My water script dos run well, but if I load a new project, when the script is running, it dos crash iClone fully. Now I also have tested the Widget.py sample from Reallusion. There happens the same. What could be done?...More
I would strongly advise the development team to be very cautious "opening" iclone to 3rd party developers to be able to add plugins by the truckloads - This IS a double edge sword ;;; it can provide progress and certainly bring great tools on one end On the contrary fragment the program and...More
Position an avatar in x=151.892 object.GetControl("Transform").GetDataBlock().SetData("Position/PositionX", RLPy.RTime(200), RLPy.RVariant(151.892)) It will travel to x=65,783...More