Thats works great but how do I get the xyz data from the motion layer for the bone names (torso head ect) of a character? Christopher Watts
Hi Christopher Watts, You can try the following ways: prop_obj = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Prop, "Your_prop_name") transform_control = prop_obj.GetControl("Transform") key_count = transform_control.GetKeyCount() for i in range(key_count): time = RLPy.RTime() transform_control.GetKeyTimeAt(i, time) transform_for_ref = RLPy.RTransform() transform_control.GetValue(time, transform_for_ref) print(transform_for_ref.T().x) print(transform_for_ref.T().y) print(transform_for_ref.T().z) Allen Lee