1. While iClone glass made with opacity control produces correct see-through view in Iray, objects seen through Iray MDL glass materials appear to have an offset. 2. In addition if IBL and Sky have different images applied, then iClone glass would show the Sky in Iray, while MDL glass an...More
An object which consists of multiple materials might get wrong shaders assigned to specific faces while frame is rendered with Iray Background or Exported. Same frame has no visible shader errors while rendered with preview. See the attached image. Project in question is available upon request...More
Based on my observations, there appears to be a LOT OF UPDATING in the IRay Resource folder (in the Temp directory) occurring. I assume that has a negative impact on performance, especially on larger projects. STEPS AND OBERVATIONS: 1) Launch iClone - The IRayResource folder already appears...More
1. We need more control over resetting Iray materials. Currently there is only one button, which resets ALL materials for the object without confirmation (slide 1). The "Auto" in MDL popup can do the job for individual materials as well, but require a few extra clicks. Please add another...More
I have encountered several .mi files that have contained corrupted characters in them. When you try to render, Iray produces and error (thankfully) that indicate the line number containing the error, so it is possible to manually fix the problem and attempt to render again. OBSERVATIONS:...More
This is being reported against iClone 7.3 Every time you open the Iray "Preview" window, it puts the model in to VRAM (memory on your graphics card). But it never frees up that memory when you close the Preview window. The bad result is you consume more and more of your graphics card's VRAM...More
iClone 7.3 --- I have a specific project that will consistently CRASH if I attempt to do an Iray Preview. It will also crash if I attempt to do a Save MI Scene action. The file can be accessed from my Box.com account. > Filename: Moonshine - 5 - DRIVE-IN Only - Failed.iProject...More
>>> This is being reported against iClone 7.3. It may or may not apply equally well to CC3 <<< In addition to specifying a specific frame number to start applying the "De-Noise" feature, it would be nice to have the ability to simply request it be applied to the FINAL ITERATION when rendering...More
>>> This is being reported against iClone 7.3. It may or may not apply equally well to CC3 <<< When you do an "Export MI Scene," the setting for "Denoise Start Iteration" is conspicuously absent. You have to go find it on another panel. Please add the "Denoise Start Iteration" to the Export...More
>>> This is being reported against iClone 7.3. It may or may not apply equally well to CC3 <<< This is a two-part suggestion: a) Split the Preview and Render actions into two panels (a.k.a. "tabs")...More